Sunday, July 4, 2010

How to remove all spaces, dashes and other symbols in the numbers

Software Environment

1. Click Range button on Excel macros group panel, select Select range item, select the first cell in the worksheet, insert SelectRange command for selecting the first cell of the range to be processed

2. Click If & Loop button on Text & Flow & Var group panel, select For item, Input the number of cells to be processed in the Start parameter input box, insert For statement for one by one processing cells

3. Click Range button on Excel macros group panel, select Read cell item, choose a assigned variable, insert ReadCell command for geting a value from the selected cell

4. Click Text button on Text & Flow & Var group panel, select Text replace item, input the symbol to be replaced, insert TextReplace command for removing symbols from the value

5. Click Range button on Excel macros group panel, select Write cell item, insert WriteCell command for writing the processed value into the selected cell

6. Click Row & Column button on Excel macros group panel, select Move row item, insert MoveRow command for moving to the next cell to continue processing

The finished code