Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to use process trigger

Software Environment
Version: 4.2.3
Edition: Standard, Professional, Excel

1. First select the macro need to trigger, then click the Trigger button on the main window.

2. Select the Process item in the trigger way list.

3. Select the process name in the processes list, then choose whether the process exists as the trigger condition.
Tips: The Exist item means if the process exists, execute the macro.
The Not exist item means if the process does not exist, execute the macro.

4. Choose the holding time of the trigger state.
Tips: The All along item means the trigger will continue until manual stop.
The times item means the trigger will stop after the specified number of successful trigger.
The hours minutes seconds item means the trigger will stop after the specified period of time.

5. Click the Start button to activate trigger.